mostly pop music 合法嗎!??
國內╱國外 Services
A-la-carte download(單曲下載) | iNmusic, iNDIEVOX ╱ iTunes, Amazon, eMusic...
Subscription(串流,租用) | KKBox, ezpeer+ ╱ Rapsody, Netscape... |
Advertising-supported(串流,廣告營利) | ╱ MySpace, YouTube,, Imeem...
not ready() | Muziu, EeePC:Eee Tune, SanDisk:slotMusic |
* a services list for musicians...
- New Music Strategies
- Music Think Tank
- IFPI Digital Music Report
- (中央社新聞2008/10/04)付費觀念漸獲接受 數位音樂趨勢成形
- 數位音樂產業之好冷的冬天
- 我看音樂產業的前世今生
- 台灣流行音樂產業的未來-數位單曲下載與多元化宣傳、獲利
- 談談Apple iTunes DRM相關問題(上)--iTunes獲利來自iPod!!?
- 漫談數位音樂(一)從「分享」談起
[閱讀] IFPI Digital Music Report 2008
時間 2008/07/23 Wed 09:18:07
Sec.3 Exploding Formats and Business Models
- Subscription services (ex.KKBox, ezpeer+, mu-mo?)
- brand partnership (合作關係)
- direct-to-fans (歌手官方網站、部落格等)
- a-la-carte download services (單曲下載;台灣應已失去發展此市場的機會)
- non-DRM download services (ex. iNDIEVOX, ezpeer+ Kuro 數位影音單曲, KKBox 單曲下載帶著走)
# advertising-supported models
Advertising-supported music services are a small but potentially significant revenue stream for record companies, which some see as the logical strategy(必然的對策) for reclaiming a younger generation of consumers habituated(上癮)to a culture of “free” music.
Ad-supported services offer consumers free access to streamed or downloaded music while artists and record companies are compensated by revenues generated by advertising. The best examples of this are the recent deals between some record companies and social networks such as MySpace, Bebo,YouTube, LastFM and Imeem. These deals are mostly based on licensing agreements for streaming music and music videos for a share of advertising revenues.
在 YouTube 上面已經有許多外國流行音樂的官方帳號,但華語音樂付之闕如極少有類似作為,且更沒有國內部落格與唱片公司簽約。華納、環球等唱片公司在國外都已經作了,為什麼在國內沒動靜呢?反而國內 IFPI 開始執意控訴違法部落客,而不是加以「教化」(reclaim)。
repertoire 曲目
record label 唱片公司
copyright "infringement" 違法
"monetise" the internet 鑄成貨幣;從...中獲利
touring 巡迴演出