歌劇魅影裡,最廣為人知的名曲應該是 The Phantom of the Opera, Think of Me, Music of the Night 等吧。但在中學時期,一邊唸書一邊把歌劇魅影原聲帶從頭到尾聽過無數次的日子,最愛的卻是這樣的小曲子小段落:
Phantom 的音色並不是渾厚路線,而在 Down Once More 呈現孤傲高亮的音色,無懼地邁向最深層的地獄,卻又不免內心軟弱的部份..
Down once more to the dungeon of my black despair!
Down we plunge to the prison of my mind!
Down that path into darkness deep as hell!
在 The Point of No Return 呈現非常深沈的黯黑色調,使人靜靜地往更深更深的黑暗漩渦去,沈寂...沈沒......
Past the point of no return
no backward glances
The games we played 'til now are at an end
Past all thought of "if" or "when"
no use resisting
abandon thought, and let the dream descend
What raging fire shall flood the soul?
What rich desire unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction lies before us?
Past the point of no return
the final threshold
what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn?
Beyond the point of no return
Artist::Andrew Lloyd Webber